Hey Tankers!
Wholesome changes to the matchmaker are incoming in update 1.12.1, intended to flatten the steep learning curve for new players entering World of Tanks and gate them off from the savagery of the seal-clubbing that's all too prevalent in World of Tanks. Skill-based matchmaking has come to the lower-tiers of World of Tanks.
Novice Status
Players will maintain "Novice" status where they: - Have not yet researched and played a Tier VII Tech Tree vehicle
- Do not achieve a minimum level of performance in Tiers I-V
As a priority, the matchmaker will attempt to match Novices against other Novices and AI (bots) in Tier I-V games. This means those players who have made a career of beating on entry-level players and bots at lower tiers will only be able to pick on players their own size. There will also be a restricted map pool to minimise the amount of information that new players need to absorb in order to survive Novices will be matched normally where they: - Play at Tier VI in a Tech Tree or Premium Vehicle - Play at Tier VII-VIII in a Premium Vehicle
So what now for Seal Clubbers?
These changes don't mean that seal-clubbing goes away, however it will certainly limit the effect of seal clubbers on ability of World of Tanks to retain new players. Those "goddamn heroes" who make a career of seal-clubbing will still have a reasonable chance to feed on players who have graduated from Novice Status or their first Tier VII tech tree tank and might be starting a new line.
Benefits to the Game
The potential benefits to World of Tanks are substantial, particularly: - Reduced motivation for new players to rush through tiers
- New players can focus on learning game mechanics at lower tiers
- Trickle-up improvement of game quality in higher tiers
- Increased game population due to higher new player retentio

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