Hey Tankers! Here are the memes of August and September posted by World of Tanks with pr154 To catch these memes as they are released, please like/follow us on Facebook here #1 Is that 183mm HESH on your collar?
#2 *Presses 2-Key while making grunty Stallone noises*
#3 The question is whether that's to protect Sophie from you, or to protect you from Sophie
#4 Show of hands folks, who's had enough cake decorating experience to win an episode of "Nailed It"? Obviously this example has a little ways to go, but practise makes perfect...
#5 Crikey!!
#6 Those Intuition feels...
#7 Hello Clicky-Chan!
#8 Black Forest is about to slap me for 1650HP...
#9 qUaLiTy CoNtEnT
#10 Pretty much every Skoda T 56 replay I've featured...
#11 A nugget of truth...
#12 Does the survey say "Nightmare Fuel"?
#13 Finishing Skyrim, I mean, Battle Pass Inspiration & Source Credit to Joel Haver
You can check out the original at https://youtu.be/9yegdG8F8oM
#14 Those crocs and socks alone should've gotten them a temporary ban from the mall...
#15 Apparently Chili Dogs are the Food Premium Consumable
#16 Gratuitous acts of destruction are okay, as long as you don't use any naughty words!
#17 Do you think they have more cheese wheels in the bond store?
#18 "Hans.... Get to ze Fitnessstudio!"
#19 Apparently tankers don't stop to exchange details...
#20 Which Tier VIII Premium regrets that you bought it, and is the feeling mutual?
#21 "I'm Kran-Man"
#22 Works 48% of the time, all the time!
#23 "Who's a pretty seal clubber?"
#24 Some weakspots just stick out like...
#25 Somehow this doesn't seem the wisest accessorisation of a "Smart" car...
Other Useful Links:
pr154 on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/WorldofTankswithpr154 pr154 on Discord - https://discord.com/invite/tMyNd7aemR
pr154 on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/pr154