Until I joined a clan, I had made it all the way to Tier VII across multiple British tech tree lines without the foggiest idea as to how to play the game. I could not have dreamed of games like this in the Black Prince because at that point I thought "sidescraping" was simply what happened when you miscalculated your exeunt from the garage or buggered up a parallel park.
The second-best advice I can give any person new to World of Tanks is to join a clan, even a social pubbie clan, and try to absorb words of wisdom like a sponge.
Equipment: - Improved Hardening - Gun Rammer - Turbocharger Consumables: - Small Repair Kit - Small Medkit - Large Repair Kit Crew: - Brothers in Arms - 6th Sense - Deadeye (85%) - Off-Road Driving (85%) - Repairs (34%) - Jack of All Trades (11%) For more content, please visit us on Facebook at World of Tanks with pr154: https://www.facebook.com/World-of-Tanks-with-pr154-118611986712274
Other Useful Links: pr154 on Discord - https://discord.com/invite/tMyNd7aemR
pr154 on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/pr154
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