Commentated replay featuring a first-time Ace Mastery in E75 TS for guest replay submitter sertuy0504_accurate
This replay demonstrates textbook aggressive flanking on Erlenberg, making use of the river crossings to break the corridor slugfest that once characterised this map.
Equipment: - Vertical Stabiliser* - Coated Optics - Gun Rammer Crew: - 6th Sense - Recon - Eagle Eye - Repairs - Snap Shot* - Situational Awareness - Smooth Ride* - Safe Stowage - BiA in Training - Eagle Eye in Training Consumables: - Small Repair Kit - Small Medkit - Manual Fire Extinguisher *These are very sensible choices for sertuy to take, as dispersion values are quite high for E75 TS compared to the Lowe For more content, please visit us on Facebook at World of Tanks with pr154 https://www.facebook.com/World-of-Tanks-with-pr154-118611986712274
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