Even when bottom-tiered, you can still have a remarkable effect on the game. This commentated replay covers some of the nuances of how to succeed with vastly superior machines in the mix. It requires patience and very strictly playing to the role of your vehicle. With a 47% winrate earned in the STA-2 through many many sins of inexperience, a Top-by-EXP placement at the bottom end of +2MM gave a certain sense of redemption.
Equipment: - Vertical Stabiliser - Coated Optics - Gun Rammer Consumables: - Large Repair Kit - Large Medkit - Small Repair Kit Crew: - Brothers in Arms - 6th Sense - Camouflague (99%) - Snap Shot (92%) - Smooth Ride (92%) - Safe Stowage (92%) For more content, please visit us on Facebook at World of Tanks with pr154: https://www.facebook.com/World-of-Tanks-with-pr154-118611986712274
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