When you play Himmelsdorf on Encounter mode and you choose to play the hill, it's important to be aggressive. We commentate this replay where Andor2 from [-VAM-] joins me in platoon to send the enemy a solid dose of Liberty from the shackles of their hitpoints, in a game where our fingers barely lift off the W-Key
Equipment: - Vertical Stabiliser - Gun Rammer - Coated Optics Crew: - Brothers in Arms - 6th Sense - Deadeye - Smooth Ride - Situational Awareness - Safe Stowage - Recon in Training (95%) - Snap Shot in Training (95%) - Off-Road Driving in Training (95%) - Repairs in Training (38%) Consumables: - Large Repair Kit - Large Medkit - Small Repair Kit For more content, please visit us on Facebook at World of Tanks with pr154:
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