Hey Tankers,
The Crystal Challenge marathon is upon us, and in this article we review the tank at the centre of it all: the Premium Tier VIII German Medium Tank KampfPanzer 07 RH.
General Overview
This tank boasts high mobility and high DPM, delivered with precision thanks to a lightning-fast aim-time. But these characteristics come at a cost, specifically that of general armour layout, however it can be rather bouncy if angled effectively. To this end KampfPanzer 07 RH is very much a second-line tank, but if it can stay hidden in the early-game, and be sent where it can do the most good in the mid-game then you will clean up your enemies in the endgame.
We will be reviewing this tank in comparison to other lightly-armoured "DPM tanks" of Tier VIII, of which a number exist in the premium shop. Like KampfPanzer 07 RH, such tanks don't perform well in a toe-to-toe fight but can nonetheless make a considerable dent in enemy forces while in skilled hands.

The firepower from KampfPanzer 07 RH's 90mm gun is the standout characteristic of the tank. While 200HP average alpha damage is sub-par for 90mm guns (typically ~240HP for Tier VIII mediums), the tank spits one out every 4.8 seconds giving you a massive ~2,503DPM. This can be augmented further with the use of a gun rammer.
Base dispersion of 0.34m/100m is adequate against its peers, but Kpz 07 RH can achieve this accuracy in a fraction of the duration, with a lightning-fast 1.41sec aim time. Its closest rival is STA-2 with 0.34m/100m and 1.82s base aim time, and while this Tier VIII Premium Japanese Medium hits 20% harder for 240HP alpha it puts out 20% less DPM than the German. Vertical stabilisers will further improve the confidence of making a rapid connection with the target.
Shell velocity fails the Kpz 07 RH somewhat, which can limit its utility as a sniper. AP rounds from STA-2 already feel sluggish at 1,147m/s but Kpz 07 RH's AP rounds almost float downrange at just 962m/s. The 205mm penetration on the AP rounds is below average compared to other tanks of class and tier, but its HEAT rounds provide a respectable 255mm penetration without being limited by distance to target. The trick is hoping that your target doesn't change course while the shell is enroute.
While it lacks the DPM, AMX CDC is the superior sniper of the two with slightly improved accuracy at 0.33m/100m, slightly improved shell velocity and the choice of APCR as a premium option.
Lightly armoured tanks should be particularly wary of a KampfPanzer 07 RH on their flank, as its HE shells are the quiet achiever of this vehicles loadout. Combining the base rate of fire with the 320HP alpha, consistent penetrating hits will achieve over 4000DPM, which is somewhat likely given their 90mm penetration. Players will be rewarded for loading the right shell for the situation, and Kpz 07 RH has an above-average shell capacity of 80 rounds with which to prepare for all-comers.

The agility of KampfPanzer 07 RH is another standout feature against its peers, topping the list with a 65kph forward speed and a 25kph reverse speed. This combination of rapid aim-time and reverse speed allows it to make effective shots on target and return to hard cover.
KampfPanzer 07 RH can use its forward mobility to take advantage of key fighting positions early in the game and establish stationary in soft cover before enemy scouts lay eyes on them. Once engaged with the enemy, this mobility can be used to either maintain a healthy distance to avoid detection or maintain a close range advantage by circling a less agile foe with its main armament blazing and making the most of its 52deg/sec turret traverse.
Despite these characteristics, the 23.33 power-to-weight ratio of KampfPanzer 07 RH is fairly average compared to its peers. Its operators may wish to add a turbocharger thus maximising its acceleration. This is a distinct superior characteristic that AMX CDC has over other tanks of similar class and role
The armour of KampfPanzer 07 RH should not be relied upon for survival. Other than the 115mm thick upper frontal plate angled for ~200mm effective armour, much of this tank's armour is flat and highly pennable. With 80mm of vertically aligned plate, the turret has the look and durability of a grain silo. Thankfully the gun rides quite high in the oscillating turret, and can minimise its exposure when its 9 degrees of gun depression is properly taken advantage of. This should not be considered as anything more than "small target" armour since the physical characteristics of that armour if struck remain quite poor.
Interestingly, Kpz 07 RH retains some capacity to bait shots, either in a reverse sidescrape thanks to 75mm of side armour throughout the hull or a forward poke thanks to the highly-angled upper and lower frontal plates. I would question why a tanker would attempt to play the tank in this way however, other than to perhaps elicit a careless shot from a low-HP enemy that you intend to promptly crush with your DPM as they reload. Either way, your turret remains a weakspot from virtually all directions.
The graphics below compare the armour profile against the 250mm penetration of Schwartpanzer 58's Premium APCR

Other Characteristics
With a base stationary camo value of 14.36 coupled with a 390m base view range, KampfPanzer 07 RH has the potential to play as a passive scout. Concealment value on the move of 10.77 is not bad for a medium tank but don't expect to be creeping up on enemy lights. In order to maximise utility of the double-bush mechanic from a forward sniping position, I have equipped my KampfPanzer 07 RH with Low Noise Exhaust and Coated Optics. This gives it a greater chance of spotting an enemy from soft cover and rolling back to fire from a concealed position without being seen in turn. The Coated Optics also allow it to maintain situational awareness while manoeuvering at speed to a new fighting position, and potentially realising new opportunities to pick up damage along the way. Gameplay Review
Equipment: - Vertical Stabiliser - Coated Optics - Low-Noise Exhaust
Consumables: - Large Repair Kit - Large First Aid Kit
- Small First Aid Kit
- BiA
- 6th Sense
- Situational Awareness (84%)
- Concealment (75%)
- Snap Shot (72%)
- Smooth Ride (72%)
- Intuition (72%)
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