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[Sandbox] SPG Rework - Nerf or Buff?

Writer's picture: pr154 SEA Serverpr154 SEA Server

Updated: May 11, 2021

Hi Tankers! Nothing starts an argument quite like sharing your thoughts about artillery in World of Tanks, so without further ado let's talk about the proposed rework of Self Propelled Guns that's currently available for testing in the Sandbox Test Server!

SPG's in v1.12

Like them or loathe them, SPG's are a part of the game and use their low-velocity, large-calibre shells and indirect fire capability to suppress and damage slower hardened targets. They also reduce the combat effectiveness of enemy (and friendly!) tanks by stunning them, depending on how closely the shell landed to a given tank. Stunning causes the following temporary effects: - Reduces Engine Power by 30% and Speed by 25% - Reduces Hull Traverse by 20% and Turret Traverse by 40% - Reduces View Range by 25% - Increases dispersion on the move, aim time and reload time by 50% - Increases base dispersion by 25%

At the moment, a players only counters to SPG attack are: - Finding hard cover that blocks the trajectory of artillery shells - Deep-penetration runs by scouting vehicles

- Counter-battery fire by friendly SPG's who can follow enemy tracers to their source

These are not straight-forward solutions since hard cover is not always available, deep-penetration scouting runs are very high risk for the vehicle involved, and SPG's can typically collect more damage and experience by focussing fire on easier targets rather than scanning for enemy artillery tracers.

The tendency to be consistently damaged and stunned by an unseen enemy to which there is not always an apparent counter is a source of frustration for many players, such that the number of SPG's in a game (0 to a maximum of 3) can heavily dictate the flow of battle.

That said, SPG's perform a vital role which balances out other hard-to-counter tactics. World of Tanks already trends towards a meta dominated by well-armoured tanks fighting from static hull-down or side-scraping positions, which without SPG's can be extremely difficult to counter. SPG's also reinforce the need for proactive use of scouting, defensive use of concealment and are quick to motivate a spotted enemy into changing position to avoid damage.

Summary of Changes for SPG's in the Sandbox Test Server

In principle, the Sandbox Test Server has introduced the following changes:

- More obvious artillery shell tracers to improve effectiveness of SPG counter-fire - Adding shell impact points to the minimap to help deduce enemy SPG positions - Added Commander Perk "Sound Detection" and reworked Loader Perk "Intuition" - Increased variety of SPG shell types while eliminating SPG premium ammunition

Remember, these changes exist for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY and will not be rolled into the live server without broad support from the community. Players are encouraged to experiment with builds using a near limitless source of gold, credits, bonds and Free XP. They can min/maxing their tanks and really stress-test the mechanics so that constructive feedback can be provided to World of Tanks developers. It can often produce results that developers did not intend or expect, which are also important to consider prior to introduction to the live server.

Sound Detection

"Sound Detection" is probably the most controversial change from the point of view of SPG players, as this Commander Perk lets a target tank with this perk know when a shell is incoming and the direction from which it is coming. This gives their target an opportunity to avoid the shell as well as relay the SPG's likely position to their team-mates.

While all crews on the Sandbox Test Server provide "Sixth Sense" and "Sound Detection" as a default skill, this perk is unlikely to be widely prolific were it to be deployed on the Live Server. Players are more likely to prioritise perks such as "Sixth Sense" and "Brothers in Arms" on their Commanders, so SPG's are unlikely to encounter enemy tanks with "Sound Detection" unless they have at least a 3-Skill crew. With "Sound Detection" reserved for more experienced players, this somewhat counters a tendency for those players to be "XVM-sniped" by SPG-drivers, i.e. SPG's using legal mods such as XVM that display a players statistics, and focussing fire on more experienced players who can potentially influence the battle against their favour.

It also goes both ways, where SPG's with "Sound Detection" have a much greater chance of surviving counter-battery fire, especially if the enemy SPG was relying on tracking the source of tracers. With their low HP-pool and generally poor mobility, it is reasonable to consider "Sound Detection" a greater enhancement to SPG survivability than "Sixth Sense" since a spotted SPG is probably already dead.

Shell Impact Points and Deductive Logic

In the Sandbox Test Server, artillery shell impacts drawn on the minimap make it possible to apply deductive logic to work out the rough position of enemy artillery, even if you weren't hit by the artillery piece yourself.

The shell impact is indicated by the orange circle. Knowing that Grids 3-5 lines are dominated by shell-blocking mountainous terrain, one can establish that artillery would probably have fired from Grids 4-6 in order to hit that position. From Grid B South is higher-ground, and offers little concealment from spotters. This leaves Grids A4-A6, but Grid A5 is again dominated by shell-blocking mountainous terrain, leaving just two grid squares that could be playing host to the enemy SPG. Players may do what they will with this information, by either: - Repositioning/Advancing where terrain blocks the line of artillery fire

- Planning deep scouting runs to confirm and/or destroy enemy SPG positions

- Performing a counter-battery action with an SPG

Counter-Battery on the Sandbox Test Server

If all enemy SPGs can be knocked out, the side whose SPG's are still alive have a considerable tactical advantage. Counter-battery fire is a great way to do this, however without spotting, guidance from friendly players or good knowledge of common SPG setup positions, counter battery fire is difficult for many SPG players. While it may present greater opportunity for victory, it can often come at the expense of potential damage and XP scores for the SPG-player.

Introducing more obvious tracers as well as the shell impact points can make Counter-Battery fire an easier tactic to employ, however the experienced SPG player has a few simple defenses up their sleeve: - Reposition after every shot

- Avoid firing from the same position twice

- Avoid damaging terrain while repositioning - Use the "Sound Detection" Commander Perk

Reworking Artillery Shells

Artillery shells have been reworked in the Sandbox Test Server in order to provide more variety than "Dab-22 for bigger burst radius". In fact, they have totally eliminated premium shells from the SPG players menu. Instead, players are furnished with a choice of three of shells for different tactical situations, and knowing which shell to use at which time will significantly improve player efficiency.

- Standard Shells

-- High-trajectory, large burst, causes stun, lower damage

-- Same penetration but 10% Damage reduction compared to existing HE shells

-- Same burst radius as existing HE shells

-- Non-penetrating shots will not damage internal modules or crew

- Alternative Shells

-- Lower-trajectory, higher velocity, small burst, no stun, higher damage

-- 50% higher penetration and 10% higher damage than existing HE shells

-- 50% reduction in burst radius

-- Non-penetrating shots can still damage internal modules or crew

- AP / HEAT Shells

-- Lowest-trajectory, highest velocity, no burst, no stun, highest damage

-- 300-500% higher penetration, but 33% maximum damage reduction vs existing HE

-- Note: While there is a maximum damage reduction compared to existing HE shells, remember these are AP/HEAT shells so aren't subject to the vagaries of the HE mechanic. They will cause intended damage much more consistently.

Note that the Alternative and AP/HEAT shells have a slightly higher price point than the Standard shells, however this is nowhere near the 400-500% price hike from standard to premium ammunition that exists in the current version.

Reworking "Intuition"

SPG's are not well-known for their short reload time, so under the existing mechanic players are discouraged from changing shells after after one is already in the tube. This is also the case for other tanks such as FV4005 Stage II (or pretty much anyone starting a game at Tier X) who are reknowned for firing premium ammunition at targets that probably don't warrant it, but fired anyway since that's what was loaded.

In the Sandbox Test Server, the Loader's Intuition Perk has been reworked to a skill which can change out a shell in a fraction of the time that it would take to fire and load a new one. For example, my M44 in the Sandbox Test had a reload time of 16.13 seconds, but was able to change out to a different shell in just 3.7 seconds! Similarly FV207 went from a 23.5 second reload time to just 5.6 seconds to change shells. Note that these reload times are assisted by the near-limitless source of gold, credits and Free XP on the Sandbox Test Server which allows min/maxing with impunity - There have been no changes to base vehicle stats.

This proposed Intuition rework will apply to all tank types, not just SPG's, so all classes can benefit from having the right shell in the tube for the right situation. Players who might have previously subscribed to the "I have a long reload and need to make the shot count, so load prammo" philosophy now have the opportunity to play much more efficiently and cost-effectively. If deployed to the live server, we may even see less gratuitous application of prammo-spam in World of Tanks, although that is difficult to determine in the Sandbox Test Server with the near-limitless resources available to players.

Nerf or Buff?

SPG-players have every right to feel that their beloved class is under constant threat. They are often stigmatised by others players and derided for their preference for the cruisy, low-risk, and oftentimes simplistic playstyle. Since the introduction of SPG's to World of Tanks, they have seen their maximum numbers on the field curtailed, highly-destructive AP shells taken away in favour of stunning, and the introduction of wheeled vehicles that are often able to penetrate friendly lines and wreck the slow and practically-defenseless SPG's. As such, this can inspire a certain victim mentality, such that changes to the class may be viewed as a nerf for the simple fact that it is a change.

I for one don't believe the proposed changes to be a nerf, however SPG players who do not adapt and elect to fire single shell types from a static position all game will potentially find themselves coming undone much more quickly under the proposed changes.

The proposed rework brings a deeper tactical nuance to the way SPG's operate in World of Tanks, and how players in other classes can adapt to or avoid SPG attack. SPG players are furnished with additional tools to counter enemy SPG fire and protect their team-mates. They are also provided with a broader choice of shells with which to smite their enemies, and the ability to quickly change those shells to respond to unfolding conditions on the battlefield.

There is something for everyone in the proposed Sandbox SPG Rework, and like many of the recent Sandbox Test they are providing more avenues for players to be rewarded for playing smarter and playing to their role.

For more information or to join the Sandbox Test Server, please visit:


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