Edited 20th Oct 2021 to cover general application of "Crew is Crucial" events rather than the specific event running on the WoT Asia servers during its original publication "Crew is Crucial" events land at least one a month. The typically last for a week, and include missions and discounts aimed at improving crew performance such as:
- x2 Crew EXP when you win with Top-10-EXP in a Tier IV+ - 50% Discount to Crew Skill Reset (Normally 200G, reduced to 100G) - 50% Discount to Crew Vehicle Assignment Retraining (Normally 200G, reduced to 100G) - 50% Discount to Barracks Slots (Normally 300G for 16, reduced to 150G for 16) - 25% Discount to Crew Specialisation (Role) change (Normally 500G, reduced to 375G) - +100% yield during Free XP : Crew XP conversion (Normally 1F:5C, increased to 1F:10C) - Missions to collect Crew XP Personal Reserves and Consumables

Of course crews in World of Tanks are now a hot-button issue, with Crew 2.0 looming in the background. To this end, we ask the question...
Is taking advantage of "Crew is Crucial Discounts" a good idea if Crew 2.0 comes?
With Crew 2.0's July 2021 return to the Sandbox Test Server, we were also able to get more vision on the proposed conversion mechanic, with the things that changed saying almost as much as the things that stayed the same. Bear in mind, it is still a Sandbox Test (read: Proof of Concept) and therefore subject to change.
Discounted Skill Reset
These Crew is Crucial events are generally a great opportunity to cost-effectively reset your crew skill profile. This time around you could potentially take advantage of the reworked Intuition and/or new Sound Detection skills introduced in v1.13, but note that you will have opportunity to completely reset your skill profile for free if Crew 2.0 lands with the new skill layout it has on offer. Whether taking advantage of the discounted skill reset is worthwhile is entirely up to individual circumstances. Remember you can skill reset your skills for free or at a cost of credits, but there will be a 10% - 20% reduction in the Crew Members EXP. If you absolutely need one of these new/reworked skills and you need to preserve 100% of your EXP, then this is probably the best time to do it. Also bear in mind that you generally wouldn't reset an entire crew unless you were after Brothers in Arms or a similar "best if every crew member has it" skill, so using the discount today for a specific skill on a specific crew member is arguably a little more surgical and cost-effective.
Increased Yield in Free XP - Crew XP Conversion
We know the proposed conversion system considers the average skill of crew members, so using Free XP to boost the Commander on their own is potentially inadvisable. On a four man crew, using Free XP today will only go a quarter of the distance as it will for Crew 2.0 (okay half, because the yield is doubled for this week). If you really need that BiA / 6th Sense combo as early as possible, use Crew Books instead as they will boost all Crew members ensuring nothing is wasted when its time to convert.
Discounted Retraining / Respecialisation Costs
Discounted respecialisation costs will be a relatively cheaper way to prepare for the sneaky "pay-to-win" trick of turning one good crew into multiple good Crew 2.0 crews via low-tier vehicles and a bucket of gold. If you've seen QuickyBaby's February 2021 video on Crew 2.0, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, but this is the jist of it below:

Discounted Barracks Slots
It has also been reconfirmed from the Crew 2.0 Sandbox game interface that crews with more than one skill and sitting in barracks will eventually be converted into an equivalent value of Crew Books, although not immediately on Crew 2.0 release
To this end, having a few extra barracks slots might come in handy for preserving your grinding efforts and making your best crews even better. 16 Barracks slots for 150G will easily typically put 3-4 crews on ice and ready for the woodchipper to make your best crews better! Follow this graphic to see how with a little planning and forecasting I can merge the crews of three tech-tree British medium tanks without paying a Cent (pun absolutely intended):

See also...
For a broader rundown of Crew 2.0 compared to the current system please visit my article at: https://pr154wot.wixsite.com/pr154/post/sandbox-crew-2-0-remastered
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