Hey Tankers, this week your tank crews will be joining in the celebrations of the traditional Thai New Year!

Key Attractions
Should you manage to place Top-10-by-EXP on a victory, your crews will pick up twice as much Crew XP as usual.
Additionally, there are a number of discounts available to help get your crews into shape specifically: - Doubling of the normal yield of Free XP : Crew XP conversion - 50% Discount to Crew Skill Reset Costs (200G > 100G) - 50% Discount to Crew Respecialisation Costs (200G > 100G)
The Songkran Celebrations also have a series of missions yielding food for your crews as well as decals for your tank.
Making the most of "Crew is Crucial" events
I look forward to these "Crew is Crucial" events each month, as they are great opportunities to get a crew ready to go in a new tank. As a general rule I will:
Tier VII and under: - Recruit 75% Crew Members for 20K Credits each (10K Discounted) - Equip Vents and Run Food (this get your 75% crew to 90%) - Run 6th Sense Directive - When crew hits 100%, apply Training Manual for 2M Credits - Give everyone BiA as their first perk - Give the Commander 6th Sense, and use Free XP to complete it -- (Normally 76K Free XP to do this, but only 38K Discounted)
Tier VIII and over - As above, but recruit a special commander (e.g. Holiday Ops) - Optional - Get Academy crew for 200G each (100G Discounted) - Optional - Get Retrained Crew for 200G each (100G Discounted)
While this sounds expensive, I generally run my line tanks in tandem with a compatible (or not) Tier VIII Premium vehicle in a bid to subsidise this grind and pay for my (many) mistakes in the field.
Personally, the timing of this event is great as I rounded out the Tier IX Germany Heavy Mauschen recently, and being a higher-tier vehicle with a 6-member crew it made sense to hold off until crew recruitment and training discounts were available.

For more information, go to: https://worldoftanks.asia/en/news/specials/ps-songkran-celebrations-12-april-2021/