Hey Tankers,
This weeks mission set marks White Day Celebrations, the highlight being x2 Crew EXP when you place Top-10-by-XP showing some reciprocal love! There are also missions rewarding Personal Reserves, Food and a couple of x5 EXP multipliers which are perfect for accelerating the grind on much-needed top modules.
This week also sees: - Free XP > Crew XP conversion rates doubled - Training Academy recruitment costs halved (200G > 100G for 100% Basic Qual.) - Crew Skill Reset costs halved - Crew Respecialising costs halved - Crew Qualification costs reduced by 25%
This is a great opportunity to get cracking on a new crew, where if you were to drop a Training Manual on a 100% Basic Qualified crew for 2M credits, you could instantly give them all BiA and then round out the 2nd perk on the Commander to pick up 6th Sense for just 38K Free XP
For those unfamiliar with White Day, it started in Japan in the late 1970's and is set a month after Valentines Day. The idea is that if someone gave you a Valentines Day gift, White Day is when you should give a reciprocal gift! White Day is celebrated across a number of Asian nations (but is more commonly known in the West as S&BJ Day - You're welcome)

For more information, swing by: https://worldoftanks.asia/en/news/specials/ps-white-day-sale-12-mar-2021/